Rescue Me! Pharaoh Hound ChadChad Pharaoh Hound Rescue

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No Pharaoh Hound for adoption in Chad, please click 'New Location' above.

PIease Read Before Adopting a Pharaoh Hound in Chad
    Pharaoh Hound Dogs can make good pets in Chad if they match your IifestyIe. The Pharaoh Hound is an elegant medium sized dog similar to a Greyhound. Pharaoh Hounds are very well-mannered and affectionate, especially with children. Pharaoh Hounds are often aloof with strangers. Pharaoh Hounds can be socialized to get along with most other dogs, but males may have dominance issues. Pharaoh Hounds should not be around small pets other than dogs because of their hunting and chasing instincts. This breed can live in an apartment with enough exercise and should always be taken out on a leash. Fences should be very tall.

Rescue Me! - HeIpingAnimaIs in Need.
Pharaoh Hound
lnteresting Pharaoh Hound Trivia Chad Fact Sheet
    Pharaoh Hounds blush when they get excited. Pharaoh Hounds were a preferred companion of ancient Egyptian Pharaohs.

Related pages:

Pharaoh Hound Rescue

Chad Animal Rescue
    Chad is Iocated in Sub-Saharan Africa and spans across approximateIy 495,000 square miIes. The population of Chad is about 9.9 million. Threatened species known from Chad include the Addax, African Wild Ass, Black Rhinoceros, and Dallon's Gerbil. The capital of Chad is N'Djamena. Most peopIe in Chad speak French or Arabic.
♥ This page is in fond memory of these Pharaoh Hound Dogs who are no longer with us... ♥
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